Big game hunter defends slaughter of endangered animals

by Brad Hunter
Big game hunter Olivia Opre went on a British morning show to defend killing endangered animals. ITV THIS MORNING


A big game hunter is defending her wanton slaughter as helping to preserve endangered animals.

American Olivia Opre, 41, told a British TV show she hunts so she can be close to nature. She’s killed more than 100 different species and had them stuffed.

“I think what it is, it’s bringing me to a place where I get to be a part of these wild places. And amongst the people of these areas, it’s the adventure, it’s the pursuit,” Opre told ITV This Morning.

“It’s something that pushes you to a limit you are not comfortable with and it takes you out of your comfort zone and for me, hunting is just being in the wild.”

Opre went over the boards to defend her friend and fellow hunter, Britany Longoria, who posed with a large male leopard she recently shot.

Opre went over the boards to defend friend and fellow big game hunter Britany Longoria, who posed with a leopard she just killed. INSTAGRAM

The mother-of-four — who lives in Wyoming –has traveled the world in search of wild animals to kill and add to her collection.

She wouldn’t tell hosts, Phillip Schofield, and Holly Willoughby, exactly how many animals she had killed in a lifetime of hunting. But she did admit to killing endangered species.

“There’s an extensive list, I have hunted on six continents, all over Africa, I’ve been on about 40 safaris in eight different countries so about 100 species altogether I’d say,” Opre told the shocked hosts.

Loves to kill. Olivia Opre poses with her latest trophies. ITV THIS MORNING

A one-time Miss America contestant, Opre has been hunting since she was 16. Among the animals she has bagged include a hippo, a Cape buffalo, a black rhino and a male lion.

But she did agree that posting photos of kills on social media was unlikely to win any fans and she wants that stopped.

Opre added that hunting helps wildlife conservation efforts.

“Ultimately hunters are the ones giving so much back to preserving these wild species,” she said.

One of the hosts wasn’t buying her argument, saying the conservation argument “doesn’t make sense.”

A member of the Big Cat Society, Giles Clark, said Opre’s adventures were “abhorrent, unethical, immoral and unnecessary.”


3 thoughts on “Big game hunter defends slaughter of endangered animals

    • Amen, sister! That is exactly the kind of attitude such human trash merits. Not the usual wishy-washy “hate the sin, love the sinner” kind of pablum routinely pedaled by limp-wristed, ineffectual “animal rights advocates.” Pray that it will come to pass before she can kill again.

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