Hunter finds buckshot in gobbler’s gizzard

Brian Cope Outdoor UpdateTurkey Hunting

Brian Carroll found a single buckshot pellet in the gizzard of his lowcountry gobbler. (Photo by Brian Carroll)

“One in a million chance”

When Brian Carroll of Mount Pleasant, SC killed a Berkeley County gobbler on April 1, he was glad to have another specimen from which to collect “turkey pearls.”

“Turkey pearls are the gizzard stones from a wild turkey, and I’ve been collecting them for a while. When I inspected this gobbler’s gizzard, I found what looks to be a single pellet of buckshot,” said Carroll.

He figured the bird was picking up pebbles and found the pellet of shot that was lying on the ground, presumably from a hunter’s errant shot on a deer.

“That must be a one in a million chance that this bird found a buckshot and swallowed it. It was a fitting end to another amazing adventure!” he said.

Santee Cooper Country -630x180January 2024

Turkeys, like chickens, swallow small rocks to aid in the digestion of their food, because they lack teeth to chew.

Carroll’s gobbler weighed 18 pounds and had a 10-inch beard and 11/8-inch spurs. But the buckshot pellet is what made this bird a truly unique trophy. 

5 thoughts on “Hunter finds buckshot in gobbler’s gizzard

  1. The more intelligent choice is to not kill gentle turkeys and find your pearls elsewhere, as well as compassion…If the turkey could shoot back you would not have shot it, and, not been the victor. Only a coward shoots a helpless defenseless animal and calls it a sport. It is nothing more than being a victimizer and a bully.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh this Mouse is confused! “But the buckshot pellet is what made this bird a truly unique trophy.” I have read in various hunting forums and Op-Eds that trophy hunting is a fabrication of animal rights extremists, and meant to turn people’s attitudes against hunting. And yet, “unique” implies that there are common trophies out there too. This Mouse wishes the sadistic extremist animal killers could decide on their vocabulary so that when they speak or write, they don’t come across as ignorant sadistic extremist animal killers.

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    • Thank you for the truth. Yes, they do not see the animals as worthy of their lives. The animals are instead, pleasure to shoot helplessly. The cruelty, total lack of compassion, and arrogance involved in this is so sad. But, he and most hunters do not understand. They will never be a better man, a stronger man, have better self-esteem, or sexual prowess, regardless of the numbers of gentle animals they assassinate. Yet, we also must remember that billions of humans, who do not hunt, casually eat the cadavers of killed animals. Peace.

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