Ojibwe tribes have claimed 50% of wolf quota and are pushing for a reduction in the overall number

Paul A. SmithMilwaukee Journal SentinelView Comments0:001:01ADhttps://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/core/bridge3.480.1_en.html#goog_1493724281https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/outdoors/2021/09/18/ojibwe-tribes-ask-reduction-wisconsin-wolf-hunting-quota/8379025002/

The gray wolf was removed from federal protections of the Endangered Species Act in January and returned to state management.

Ojibwe tribes have exercised their court-affirmed right and claimed 50% of the gray wolf harvest quota in the Ceded Territory for the fall 2021 Wisconsin hunting and trapping season, according to the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission.

Further, the Ojibwe called on state officials to reduce the remaining quota by 99 wolves to account for the overkill that occurred during the February season, said GLIFWC communications director Charlie Rasmussen.

In a controversial vote at its August meeting, the Natural Resources Board set a quota of 300 wolves for the fall season.

The action overruled a recommendation of 130 wolves by the Department of Natural Resources and was met two weeks later with a lawsuit by wildlife advocacy groups seeking to stop the hunt.https://851fbe395a91486985a19c201b8f9c53.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

The lawsuit, filed by Animal Wellness Action, the Center for a Humane Economy, Friends of the Wisconsin Wolf and Wildlife, Project Coyote and state resident Patrick Clark, represents the first in-state attempt to stop a wolf season and test the Wisconsin law that defines it.

State tribes have signed on in support of the legal action to protect wolves.

“The Natural Resources Board made clear that its decision to set the wolf quota at 300 has nothing to do with science or stewardship,” said Michael Isham, GLIFWC executive director. “This reckless approach to ma’iingan (wolf) management is why tribes have filed a brief in support of lawsuits that seek the restoration of federal protection for wolves.”Story from Robert Wood Johnson FoundationThose raising kids shared hopes and challengesHere’s a look at what parents and caregivers think about raising the most racially and ethnically diverse generation to ever grow up in the United States.See More →

More:Smith: With a change in status and legal challenges, the DNR needs to take action on wolf issues

More:Smith: Natural Resources Board set itself up for a lawsuit by failing to take more measured approach to wolf kill quota

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Tensions over wolf management in Wisconsin ratcheted up in January when the species was removed from federal protections of the Endangered Species Act and returned to state management. Your stories live here.Fuel your hometown passion and plug into the stories that define it.Create Account

A lawsuit forced a rushed season in late February that resulted in 218 wolves killed in three days, 99 animals (or 83%) over the state-licensed quota of 119.

The high kill and apparent lack of control by existing rules and regulations incensed many state residents and tribal members.

Others, including some farmers and hunters, support efforts to further reduce the state’s wolf population. The Wisconsin Conservation Congress and Wisconsin Wildlife Federation both asked for a state-licensed quota of 300 wolves for fall season.

Wisconsin had 1,136 wolves before the season in late February. The number represented a 5% decline from the previous winter.

However, after the registered kill of 218 wolves, and an unknown number of unreported kills, the state’s wolf population could have been 25% lower this summer than it was a year ago, said Adrian Wydeven, retired DNR wolf biologist and member of conservation group Wisconsin’s Green Fire.

Adding to the uncertainties is the fact the DNR was unable to conduct a wolf population estimate following the February season.

And the overarching disagreement remains how many wolves Wisconsin should have.

The DNR’s wolf management plan, written in 1999 and tweaked in 2007, has a population goal of 350, but biologists who wrote it say the number wasn’t meant to be a ceiling and is desperately outdated. The DNR is working on a new wolf plan; it is scheduled to be finished in 2022.

Treaty rights allow the tribes to claim 50% of the harvest in the Ceded Territory, essentially the northern one-third of Wisconsin.Story from SiemensThe solar transformation of a school districtHere’s how one school district in Southern Illinois was able to switch to solar power.See More →

Since the Ojibwe consider the wolf a brother and place a high value on the ecological role of the species, they choose to protect, rather than kill, wolves with their share of the quota.

Because the wolf management zones encompass more than the Ceded Territory, the tribal share of the wolf quota typically equates to about 40% of the statewide number.

After the tribal declaration, it would leave about 178 wolves this fall for state-licensed hunters and trappers.

If it were reduced by another 99, it would leave 79 wolves.

“The sum of 99 should be subtracted from the state’s share of wolves after the tribal declaration,” said GLIFWC’s Rasmussen. “When clerical errors have resulted in walleye overages by Ojibwe spearfishers, lakes are closed to harvest the following season to account for the overage. Tribal managers account for their mistakes. It’s well past time the state takes on a similar level of accountability.”

The Ojibwe’s request mirrors language the DNR used in August defending a quota of 130 wolves.

At the time, the DNR said it “will be taking further administrative action to assess whether the quota approved by the Board should be adjusted to account for the results of the February 2021 hunt, which included the overharvest of 99 wolves, to ensure a level of harvest for the November 2021 season that is consistent with the long-term sustainability of the wolf population.”

When reached by phone Friday, Keith Warnke, Department of Natural Resources administrator of fish, wildlife and parks, said the agency was considering the Ojibwe’s request but had nothing to announce about additional potential actions on the wolf season.https://851fbe395a91486985a19c201b8f9c53.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

The issue would likely have come up at the NRB meeting planned for Sept. 22; however, the gathering was canceled after the DNR it wouldn’t bring staff or submit action items.

The highly unusual move by the DNR has further clouded the contentious issue of wolf management.

When asked Friday if the DNR had authority to change the wolf quota after it had been set by the NRB, DNR communications director Sarah Hoye declined to comment, saying the issue of wolf quotas was in litigation.

What is known is the DNR has yet to conduct a license drawing for the 2021 fall wolf season.

The agency received 27,288 applications for the season, which included 10,551 for a preference point-only, said Randy Johnson, DNR large carnivore specialist.

Earlier this summer the DNR said it hoped to hold the drawing and notify successful applicants by Tuesday.

But recent events have caused the DNR to miss that projected date.

“The drawing will be run as soon as able and successful applicants will be notified with further instructions at that time,” Johnson said Friday in an email.

He declined to speculate on a specific date for the drawing.

Due to the lawsuit filed by the wildlife groups and jousting between the NRB and DNR, it’s also unknown when, or if, a final wolf quota will be determined for this fall.

The fall 2021 Wisconsin wolf hunting and trapping season is scheduled to open Nov. 6.

Bill would modify state wolf hunting law

Democratic lawmakers have drafted legislation to make optional Wisconsin’s wolf hunting and trapping season.

8 thoughts on “Ojibwe tribes have claimed 50% of wolf quota and are pushing for a reduction in the overall number

  1. I don’t think so either, but I’m not qualified to say – just a feeling I have. After WWII, Japan was introduced to modern American agriculture, and encouraged to kill off all their wolves, when once they were if not revered, tolerated.

    Now, I know they are considering reintroducing them, but as an island nation – I wonder how it can be maintained without constant human intervention. Like the UK, Japan was once connected to mainland Eurasia and the landmass broke away after the Ice Age.

    There’s a part of me that thinks these countries failed miserably, and should be happy with the return naturally of wolves to mainland Eurasia. We’ve meddled and tinkered enough.

    I watched a documentary on the Swiss Alps and it does seem like a repaired paradise.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Grain farmers once worshiped wolves at shrines and left food offerings near their dens, beseeching the elusive canine to protect their crops from the sharp hooves and voracious appetites of wild boars and deer.”

    This is exactly what we have come back around to thinking today – that top predators are needed. It’s a case where ancient knowledge is vastly superior to modern. We’ve taken the terrible, long way around. It’s from an article or book excerpt I had read, there’s one written on New England’s lost wolves too:


    A part of me wants to say that not only should the island nations never be entrusted with wolves again, but to walk around in the desert for 40 years.


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