Italy’s hunting season left 15 dead

‘More monitoring and biodiversity protection needed’

(ANSA) – Rome, January 29 – Italy’s hunting season will end on January 30 in most regions, with a few extending it until February 10, with a death toll thus far of 15 dead and 49 injured. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) noted that, according to the national association for the victims of hunting, that over the five-month season 15 people had been killed and 49 had been injured in accidents. Moreover, some 178 confiscations and 170 criminal violations had been reported by the 232 WWF volunteer guards, who alone – WWF said – cannot fight against illegality. Referring to the continuing of the hunting season in some regions, the environmental association noted that while it is true that it is officially limited to some species, poaching likely continues due to a serious lack of monitoring in many areas. WWF noted that rare and protected species continue to be shot and killed, including many species of birds, against Italian, EU, and international law. It added that the 323 WWF guards had put in almost 15,000 hours of service and had recorded 645 violations, 170 of a criminal nature that were reported to the authorities, along with 178 confiscations and fines totalling 172,500 euros. Some 705 had been recovered, it added.
The Italian hunting association said it rejected all links between hunting and poaching.

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