Exposing the Big Game

Your New Kitten

by Jethro Tull’s singer/songwriter/flautest/guitarist Ian Anderson

Tis the time of the season for new kittens, born in the later months of the year to be ready to leave home and join their new owners. Here, below, is the advisory material which I sent out recently with some orphaned kittens which we had been rearing.

Your new kitten was found under a garden logpile by Lucinda in Buckinghamshire, just over two weeks ago. Perhaps their mother had abandoned them or was killed in a road accident. Or, perhaps, some misguided human hand was involved in dumping the kitties, hoping that they could fend for themselves.
They couldn’t.

They were barely five weeks old and just beginning to walk about. They could lap liquids and eat solid food, suggesting that they had come from a household environment and were at least partly weaned, but wouldn’t have survived long without…

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