KILLING GAMES has been selected for the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, Center for Animal Protection and Education Animal Film Festival and the Santa Barbara International Film Festival

On any given weekend, some of America’s most iconic wild animals are massacred in wildlife killing contests. Bloodied bodies are weighed and stacked like cords of wood, and prizes are awarded to the “hunters” who kill the largest or the most of a targeted species. Coyotes, bobcats, wolves and foxes are common victims of these contests; children as young as 10 are encouraged to participate. Fueled by anti-predator bias, these legally sanctioned but relatively unknown contests are cruel and foster ignorance about the critical role apex predators play in maintaining healthy ecosystems. These contests occur on both public and private lands in almost every state except California — where killing predators for prizes has been outlawed. In KILLING GAMES, a groundbreaking exposé, actor, conservationist and Project Coyote Advisory Board Member Peter Coyote — with environmentalists, ranchers, public officials and Native Americans — brings these shadowy contests to light and speaks out against this hidden war on wildlife. Project Coyote’s KILLING GAMES inspires viewers to call on their state and local legislators to bring an end to these brutal contests where wild animals become living targets.



Jan. 11-15, 2018, Nevada City, CA:

Wild & Scenic Film Festival – Global premiere

Friday Feb. 2, 2018 (4pm), and Sunday Feb. 4, 2018 (4pm), Santa Barbara, CA:
Santa Barbara Film Festival

Feb. 17, 2018, Grass Valley, CA:
Animal Film Festival (KILLING GAMES receives Best Short 1st Place Award). See film schedule and purchase tickets here.

May 12, 2018, Weed, CA:
Mt. Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center, Wild & Scenic Film Festival


Mar. 8, 2018, Flagstaff, AZ:
Flagstaff-Northern AZ Group; Chair – Sierra Club
As part of Jackson Hole WILD On Tour

Apr. 14, 2018, Flagstaff, AZ:
Wild & Scenic Film Festival, sponsored by Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project. Introduction and a question & answer session with Project Coyote Science Advisory Board Member David Parsons. Visit Project Coyote’s table, pick up some free literature, and meet Linda Bolon, Project Coyote Arizona Program Associate. More details here.

May 17, 2018 (3:00 pm and 7:00 pm), Sedona, AZ:
Wild & Scenic Film Festival, in collaboration with the Sedona International Film Festival. Screenings at 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm. More details coming soon.



April 23, 2018, Salem, MA:
Compassionate Conservation: Rethinking Large Carnivore Policy. Keynote speech by Camilla Fox and roundtable discussion. Details here.

April 29, 2018, Yarmouth Port, MA:
Camilla Fox presentation and film screening co-sponsored by Friends of Cape Wildlife and IFAW. Details here.


July 26, 2018, West Yellowstone, MT:
Camilla Fox presentation and film screening at Speak for Wolves. More details coming soon.


June 5, 2018, Albuquerque, NM:
Albuquerque Film & Music Experience (AFME). Kimo Theatre, 3pm. Followed by Q&A. Details here.


Related Programs:

Jan. 13, 2018 (9:30-11am), Nevada City, CA – Dan Flores – Project Coyote Ambassador and author of New York Times best-seller Coyote America ~ A Natural and Supernatural History and Camilla Fox of Project Coyote will do a joint program as part of the Wild & Scenic Film Festival.

Film Tours:

2018-2019: Wild & Scenic On Tour 2018

1 thought on “KILLING GAMES

  1. This film deserves all the attention it will hopefully receive. This slaughter will continue on private lands but certainly does not need to continue on public lands. So few people even realize this is going on.

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